PB 1B: ~ Genre Generators ~

Have you ever been so bored that you just start counting your hairs..? Nope, so that's just me huh? Well in this day and age we are very lucky to have the internet and with in the internet there are things called generators. For example, if you're ever bored and want to find a netflix show to watch because you basically know every single line to “The Office”just google ‘Netflix Generator”. Then you would simply answer the questions that they ask you “What genre are you looking for?” “Movie or Tv show?” you get the point. There are an infinite amount of “genre generators” on the internet. You need a dog name? No problem there's one for that. Are you a girl and your mans is a very die hard Eagles fan and you need a NFL team to like to make him mad…? LOOK NO MORE THERE'S ONE FOR THAT TOO! I have done some research and have found many different generators on the web.

The very first generator I used was the “Meme Generator” if you don’t know what memes are they are pictures with funny captions under them. Once I went to the website I instantly had nostalgia because half of the memes I saw old and so were very random. After searching through the website a bit I've found some highly hilarious and very inappropriate memes. Nonetheless, the meme generator was highly entertaining and very funny. On this website there are a variety of different genres: school, games, sports, video games, etc. Oddly enough many memes have some type of connection.

The second generator I used was the “Comic Strip Generator” growing up I loved comics and still have some of my old ones such as Flash, Spider-Man, Batman, etc. Having a background on loving comics I thought that these comic strips were pretty funny but had a weird meaning towards them. The comics that were generated were very random and seem to be of the same art style, as I kept looking into it they kept getting better and better but they still had no meaning behind them. Unlike most comics this comic was very lengthy most comic strips are short and simple, they get straight to the point. Since they are short and simple people tend to read more and more until their stomach starts to hurt from laughter or its their bedtime and mom yells at you. This generator tends to keep giving more and more sexualy, inapropriate, and meaningful comics as you tend to keep scrolling. I kept refreshing the page to see if the order would change but it is in the same order. I don't know if it is like that for a reason or if they just keep them in order from when they posted them. Who knows!

As I went searching for more generators I came across this Dragon Ball Z generator. Call me a weeb all you want I've watched many animes in my lifetime starting from Avatar the Last Airbender to Naruto and even Attack on Titan. When I came across this generator I instantly clicked on it. It was a fusion generator which it takes two random characters and combines them to make one super character. As I played around with this generator I have found out that there are only a limited amount of characters so that means there are a limited amount of combinations. Some conventions to go with this generator would be: Anime, Sagas, Fusions, Dragon Ball Z.

Even though all of these genres I have mentioned have nothing to do with each other they all have one thing in common, they are all GENRES. I think when people adventure into these genre generators they have a better understanding of what a genre is because there are boundless amount of genres.


  1. Jerry, first let me start by saying I really like how you wrote this. Also, I really like how you started your first paragraph because it made me realize that not only is genre everywhere but genre generators are also everywhere.


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