
Showing posts from August, 2018

PB 1A: ~ Billboards ~

The genre I have chosen for this project builder is billboards due to the fact that many of us who drive almost anywhere we go we tend to see billboards. Most of the billboards are to advertise a certain product. There are a variety of billboards for different products such as cars, beer, dealerships, lottery tickets, etc. This example of a beer billboard… This billboard is usually on I-95 when driving towards south Philly because it is on the way towards the Philadelphia Eagles stadium (Lincoln Financial Field). This is advertising the official beer sponsor of the Philadelphia Eagles which everyone who is 21 or older would tend to react and be like “Oh they support the birds, I’ll go buy a case and watch the game too!” The purpose of this specific billboard is to catch the drivers eye and have them go to the nearest beer distributor and buy some. Another purpose of the billboard is so that people who tend to like Miller Lite but have no idea who the Philadelphia Eagl

~ How I annotate and why is it important? ~

A lot of people tend to annotate in various different ways. The way I annotate may be completely different than how my 4th grade teacher annotates. (Mrs. Cherry if you somehow find this I just wanted to say I love you!) Here are the different ways i annotate.... Summarize what the author says in MY OWN word (makes sense to me ) write down definitions and words I may not understand. I highlight a lot but... on the Elbow passage I highlighted many characteristics about the two types of thinking. On the top of the page I write down things that the author groups from other pages or paragraphs.  When i draw the fancy brackets { } I tend to use them when I summarize a paragraph. Whenever I have a question I write it down and draw a nice big "?" next to it.  I've learned that there is no wrong way to annotate a text, as long as it makes sense to you and you fully understand what you're writing down there is no wrong answer. For example, when Sarah and I talked abou

Little About Myself

My names Jerry Garcia I am 18 years old and I love to eat, sleep, and play video games. I am the first one in my family to attend college, both my parents were born and raised in Veracruz, Mexico. OH! I should also mention that I'm Hispanic. I'm majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Yea I'm a die hard Eagles fan but my father named me after one of the greatest wide receivers to ever play Jerry Rice. I also grew up playing soccer I stopped after I popped my ankle out of its socket going for a 50/50 ball but I still love the sport. That is really all I have to say. Hey thanks for reading have a wonderful day :)