
Showing posts from September, 2018

WP1 Proposals: 3 Textual Genres

3 Textual Genres 1. Poems 2. News Articles 3. Instagram Caption ~Famous Poems~ BIGGEST: Poems    Second biggest: Famous Poems        Medium: Edgar Allen Poe Poems           Smallest: The Raven Ex:    ~News Articles~ BIGGEST: Articles      Second Biggest: News Articles         Medium: New York Times           Smallest: " Nike’s Kaepernick Ad Set to Air on N.F.L.’s Opening Telecast" Ex:   ~Instagram Captions~ BIGGEST: Social Media    Second Biggest: Istagram       Medium: Instagram Caption          Smallest: Word in caption Ex: 

PB 1B: ~ Genre Generators ~

Have you ever been so bored that you just start counting your hairs..? Nope, so that's just me huh? Well in this day and age we are very lucky to have the internet and with in the internet there are things called generators. For example, if you're ever bored and want to find a netflix show to watch because you basically know every single line to “The Office”just google ‘Netflix Generator”. Then you would simply answer the questions that they ask you “What genre are you looking for?” “Movie or Tv show?” you get the point. There are an infinite amount of “genre generators” on the internet. You need a dog name? No problem there's one for that. Are you a girl and your mans is a very die hard Eagles fan and you need a NFL team to like to make him mad…? LOOK NO MORE THERE'S ONE FOR THAT TOO! I have done some research and have found many different generators on the web. The very first generator I used was the “ Meme Generator ” if you don’t know what memes are they are picture